Paper and Preprints
@ gRED
15. Grambow, C. A.; ‡ Weir, H.; Diamant, N. L.; Tseng, A. M.; Biancalani, T.; Scalia, G.; Chuang, K. V. ‡ “RINGER: Rapid Conformer Generation for Macrocycles with Sequence-Conditioned Internal Coordinate Diffusion.” 2023, arXiv: 2305.19800 [q-bio.BM]
14. Grambow, C. A.;‡ Weir, H.; Cunningham, C. N.; Biancalani, T.; Chuang, K. V.‡ “CREMP: Conformer-Rotamer Ensembles of Macrocyclic Peptides for Machine Learning.” 2023, arXiv: 2305.08057 [q-bio.BM]. CREMP available for download on Zenodo.
11. Chuang, K. V.; Keiser, M. J. “Attention-Based Learning on Molecular Ensembles.” Machine Learning for Molecules Workshop at NeurIPS 2020.
10. Chuang, K. V.; Gunsalus, L. M.; Keiser, M. J. “Learning Molecular Representations for Medicinal Chemistry.” J. Med. Chem. 2020, 63, 16, 8705. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00385.
1. Reisman, S. E.; Chuang, K. V.; Xu, C. “Synthetic route to anhydroryanodol, ryanodol and structural analogues.” US Patent #9,862,696.